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The Benefits of Spending One-On-One Time with Your Kids

one on one time with children
The Benefits of Spending One-On-One Time with Your Kids

Parenthood. It’s one of the most beautiful things you can experience. Day in and day out you are consumed by little hands, big imaginations, large emotions and the list goes on, right!? In the rush of daily life it is important for both parents and children to get quality one-on-one time with each other.

Have you ever been in a group of friends and noticed one that stands out…or one that sits quietly in the background? It can be the same for children. When you get a child alone their personality really comes out and shines.

It is important that you are able to set time aside – even if it be 15-20 minutes a day to spend quality time with your child. These benefits far outweigh the time and effort.

Build a Deeper Bond

Spending quality time with your child allows you to build a strong bond with him. This special time helps a child feel safe and secure. It is also shown to help a child’s development and overall happiness.  

Reduce Attention Seeking Behavior

When a child spends quality time with their parents, it typically reduces attention seeking behavior. When they are able to have one-on-one time this allows for sharing and extra attention solely on them. This can reduce attention seeking behavior both at home and at school.

Learn Individual Child’s Strengths

When you are able to spend individual time with your child you are more prone to tune in to his strengths, and even areas that may need improvement. This allows you to help them develop as a person, and help them to reach their full potential.

So what does one-on-one time look like in such a rushed world? It can be almost anything!

  • Cook with one child each night.
  • Read a book together.
  • Go on a walk around the neighborhood.
  • Listen to music and dance.
  • Make an art project.
  • Take turns grocery shopping with each child.
  • Go out to lunch or dinner.

The list is endless. Bottom line is, quality time with your children is important. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. Simply put, your children want your attention and giving them that time is good for them and good for you too!

Five Star Montessori is a well established school that has been providing quality education and care since 1995. We have programs from infant to Kindergarten, as well as after school programs for elementary aged children and summer camp! We invite you in for a tour! Choose from two convenient locations, West Houston and Katy. We look forward to serving you and your family!

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