• 13260 Forkland Dr., Houston, TX 77077 281-556-0678
  • WestHouston@5starSchool.com

Blog Archives

potty learning
5 Tips for Potty Learning the Montessori Way

Potty Learning. When parents hear these words, it may sound similar to fingernail scratches on a chalkboard. But, just know it doesn’t have to be this cringe worthy. Potty learning or potty training can actually be an enjoyable experience for both parent and child when done the Montessori way. Start Sooner Than Later First and […]

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The Benefits of a Montessori Education

Your Child Learns at His Own Rate He is neither held back nor pushed pushed forward according to the learning rates of other students. Since children are so different, it is unrealistic to expect that they will learn at the same rate. Your Child Learns How to Focus and Concentrate This is one of the […]

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toddler biting
Toddler Biting – Why It Happens and What You Can Do About It

Many toddlers go through a biting stage. It typically occurs when a child is between one and a half and three years old. But why does this happen? Biting, can often be commonplace behavior for a toddler. It doesn’t matter how well the child is parented or how “good” a child is. The incident generally […]

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one on one time with children
The Benefits of Spending One-On-One Time with Your Kids

Parenthood. It’s one of the most beautiful things you can experience. Day in and day out you are consumed by little hands, big imaginations, large emotions and the list goes on, right!? In the rush of daily life it is important for both parents and children to get quality one-on-one time with each other. Have […]

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